Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Probability lesson plan Essay Example for Free

Probability lesson plan Essay Probability the study of chance (Mathematics-sophomore) The purpose of this lesson aid is to help each student to know the basic principle of probability and to apply it to their everyday life. Probability or the study of chance is an important branch of mathematics that can be applied in other branch of sciences like biology, chemistry and physics. Example: What is the probability of getting a black queen from a standard deck of cards? We all know that there are 52 cards in a standard deck of cards and there are only two queens in it. So, the probability of drawing a queen is 2 out of 52 or 4. 16 %. Quiz: 1. What is the probability of getting a red card in a standard deck of card? 2. What is the chance of getting a face card in a deck of card? 3. In a game of poker, what is the chance of getting a straight? 4. Given a fair die, what is the probability of getting a 7 if you to toss the die two times? 5. Given the same die, what is the chance of drawing an even number? 6. Given a pair of dice, what is the chance of drawing an odd number? 7. Given a pair of dice, what is the chance of rolling a 7? 8. What is the probability of getting a flush in a deck of cards? 9. What is the probability of getting a royal flush in a game of poker? 10. Given a tetrahedron, what is the chance of rolling a 4? Lucky 9 The material needed in this game is a standard deck of playing cards. The rule of this game is obtaining a sum of nine from the two cards that will be given to you by the dealer. If none of the player has an exact card value of nine, the player with the highest card value wins. Instruction: 1. This game is for 2-4 persons. Each player is given two cards. 2. Each player will sum up their card using their respective value. The face card has a value of ten. 3. The player may opt to get another card if he/she is not satisfied with the sum of his/her card but it can be done only once. 4. If all the players are player are already satisfied with their cards, each will reveal their cards and add them up. 5. If the player obtains an exact value of nine, that player wins. 6. If the added card value is greater than nine, only the ones digit will be taken. Example, the total card values is equal to 14 then your score is 4. 7. If none of the players got an exact added value of nine, then the player with the highest score wins. If two or more player acquires the same added value, then it is a tie. For further explanation on probability, visit: http://www. betweenwaters. com/probab/probab. html. In this site, you will play a probability game. Just play this game and you will understand the concept of probability. Reference: Lemoine, Shirley (2001). Probability: the study of chance. Retrieved August 24, 2007 from http://www. col-ed. org/cur/math/math15. txt.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Justification for Using Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Essay

On August 6, 1945 an American B-29 bomber named the Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. This was the first use of nuclear weapons in the history of human warfare and almost the last. Many people debate whether using nuclear weapons was a moral choice. I believe it was moral. Though many people died from the bomb, the amount of good that came from dropping it greatly outweighs the bad. A large issue that's brought up around the atomic bombings is the amount of people that were killed because of it. The total killed was 70,000 to 80,000 people initially and approximately 90,000 to 140,000 by the end of 1945. Though this number is catastrophic on it's own, it's relatively small comparatively. For example, when added with the number of people killed in the Nagasaki bombing (45,000) it comes to around 125,000 people killed in the first two blasts. Compare this with two firebombing raids over Tokyo, one raid killed about 125,000 people, the other nearly 100,000. That's approximately 125,000 killed with the atom bombs and 225,000 killed with normal...

Monday, January 13, 2020

Emphasis of Evolution in Texas Science Curriculum Essay

Evolution is known to be the change of the inherited behaviors to a given crowd of living organisms from one given characteristic to the other (Futuyma, 2005). Scientifically, these changes are believed to be caused by the mixture of three significant progressions; of which includes the variation process, the reproduction together with the selection. The behavioral characteristics of a given item vary according to the given population in a location. Biologically, the process is known to be that of the change in the behavioral characteristic of an individual and it is believed that whenever an organism reproduce its young one, they new organism either posses new characteristic or an altered characteristic of the individual (Maynard, & Szathmary, 1997). Thus, we can say that, evolution may occur whenever the original behavioral characteristic of a given item is traced in the new produced item or organism. Literature Review Evolution occurs when these heritable differences become more common or rare in a population. With this idea, may process in the today world have also been under going evolution so as to obtain the best to serve their people. Thus, in this particular paper, we are going to see on the emphasis of the evolution in the Texas science curriculum and see on the way they have affected the system in the region. To be able to understand this idea better, we have to look at the theories that have been formulated for the sake of the evolution in our science world. Darwin’s, have been one of the scientist who have majored in the formulation of the evolution theories that do exist to date. First, there is the theory of evolution basing on the premise, of which he imagines that, improvements of the life from the non-life and pressures a entirely naturalistic in this he suggests that the change in the way of doing things tend to be more of natural than that of trained effort (Denton, 1996). With this, he also assumes that the evolution process the recurrent characteristic of the individual tend to select the good ones only and fade off the negative attribute from the society, and with this, the process has been presumed to be that of slow but sure and thus no one should speed t up as might end up adapting the negative attributes from the past. Darwin’s hypothesis has been also the one for the calamity in the brightness of the tremendous advances that they have made in most of the science subjects in the education system. In the Texas science curriculum, this have been used to advocate for the ignorant in the country and because of this, the scientists tend to think that they have to do something in the nation so as to enlighten the education system in the country. With this, the country have been able to come up with three evolution critics of which they are put in place so that they can be bale to evaluate on the anticipated curriculum customary for the sciences courses in Texas schools (Stutz, 2008). With these critics in places, they have aimed at discussing on the Darwin’s theory that talks about the evolvement of the humans and other living organisms. The group have also been established so that they have to come together to facilitate the discussion on the theories that they exist concerning the evolution process in life (Stutz, 2008). With this, they are targeting to be able to eradicate the limitation together with the present necessities of the theories so as to enable the correct theories to be taught in the curriculum in the schools. This has brought contradiction in the country as there are some of the people who need the evolution to be taught in the school just as it is but not to modify it as they tend to think that, whenever the theory will be altered by the organization, it will be more of a religious theory and not a scientific theory to be taught in the schools (Stutz, 2008). For the process that the country is intending to undertake, the citizens tend to think that the public school students in the locality will drop behind their colleague peers if the country go ahead and evaluate the problems in the evolutional theory, this was protested by the member at the board of the education when the citizen insisted that they needed the original evolution and not the one that have been modified to be taught in the schools. Other than this, the nation is also experiencing the moment that the evolution I the school has to be taught to the student with the emphasizes on the advantages as well as their disadvantages as this will let the students be more logical in the world system other than being taught only the relevant part of it only. The president of the Texas freedom network who is Miller, K. said that the subject has to be taught in the institution as one of the basic science in the system and thus by no mean should it be modified as this will tend to reduce its relevancy to the student in the country (McCaffrey, 2008). To add on that, he also said that the subject of evolution has to be emphasized to all of the students without watering it down in whichever manner with the addition of the intelligent design or its removal of its weakness as all this tend to have meaning and a reason to the theory sated by Darwin’s. The country has continually emphasized on the original teaching of the theory of evolution as being stated by one of the biology professor in the country, he says that the modification of the theories in the education system in the country will harm the education for their students in which he continue to say that this will add more weakness to the evolution and thus weakening the whole understanding together with the passion for the study of science in their coming generation (McCaffrey, 2008). Thus, we can say that, as much as the Texas sciences curriculum tend to think that the y have to modify the evolution theories, some of the scientists in the region still believe in the first theory stated by Darwin’s and thus, they have ended up clinging to the theory of which have helped them in becoming the most recognized country in the science subject. Conclusion In the finale, we can say that, as much as some of the people in the education board in the county see the evolution as being old, they have disapproved by the scientists who have all the reasons as to why the theories should be retained as before.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Compare Nationalism in China and Japan

The period between 1750 and 1914 was pivotal in world history, and particularly in East Asia. China had long been the only superpower in the region, secure in the knowledge that it was the Middle Kingdom around which the rest of the world pivoted. Japan, cushioned by stormy seas, held itself apart from its Asian neighbors much of the time  and had developed a unique and inward-looking culture. Beginning in the 18th century, however, both Qing China and Tokugawa Japan faced a new threat: imperial expansion by the European powers and later the United States. Both countries responded with growing nationalism, but their versions of nationalism had different focuses and outcomes. Japans nationalism was aggressive and expansionist, allowing Japan itself to become one of the imperial powers in an astonishingly short amount of time. Chinas nationalism, in contrast, was reactive and disorganized, leaving the country in chaos and at the mercy of foreign powers until 1949. Chinese Nationalism In the 1700s, foreign traders from Portugal, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, and other countries sought to trade with China, which was the source of fabulous luxury products like silk, porcelain, and tea. China allowed them only in the port of Canton  and severely restricted their movements there. The foreign powers wanted access to Chinas other ports and to its interior. The First and Second Opium Wars (1839-42 and 1856-60) between China and Britain ended in humiliating defeat for China, which had to agree to give foreign traders, diplomats, soldiers, and missionaries access rights. As a result, China fell under economic imperialism, with different western powers carving out spheres of influence in Chinese territory along the coast. It was a shocking reversal for the Middle Kingdom. The people of China blamed their rulers, the Qing emperors, for this humiliation, and called for the expulsion of all foreigners - including the Qing, who were not Chinese but ethnic Manchus from Manchuria. This groundswell of nationalist and anti-foreigner feeling led to the Taiping Rebellion (1850-64). The charismatic leader of the Taiping Rebellion, Hong Xiuquan, called for the ouster of the Qing Dynasty, which had proved itself incapable of defending China and getting rid of the opium trade. Although the Taiping Rebellion did not succeed, it did severely weaken the Qing government. The nationalist feeling continued to grow in China after the Taiping Rebellion was put down. Foreign Christian missionaries fanned out in the countryside, converting some Chinese to Catholicism or Protestantism, and threatening traditional Buddhist and Confucian beliefs. The Qing government raised taxes on ordinary people to fund half-hearted military modernization, and pay war indemnities to the western powers after the Opium Wars. In 1894-95, the people of China suffered another shocking blow to their sense of national pride. Japan, which had at times been a tributary state of Chinas in the past, defeated the Middle Kingdom in the First Sino-Japanese War  and took control of Korea. Now China was being humiliated not only by the Europeans and Americans  but also by one of their nearest neighbors, traditionally a subordinate power. Japan also imposed war indemnities  and occupied the Qing emperors homeland of Manchuria. As a result, the people of China rose up in anti-foreigner fury once more in 1899-1900. The Boxer Rebellion began as equally anti-European and anti-Qing, but soon the people and the Chinese government joined forces to oppose the imperial powers. An eight-nation coalition of the British, French, Germans, Austrians, Russians, Americans, Italians, and Japanese defeated both the Boxer Rebels and the Qing Army, driving Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu out of Beijing. Although they clung to power for another decade, this was really the end of the Qing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty fell in 1911, the Last Emperor Puyi abdicated the throne, and a Nationalist government under Sun Yat-sen took over. However, that government did not last long, and China slipped into a decades-long civil war between the nationalists and the communists that only ended in 1949 when Mao Zedong and the Communist Party prevailed. Japanese Nationalism For 250 years, Japan existed in quiet and peace under the Tokugawa Shoguns (1603-1853). The famed samurai warriors were reduced to working as bureaucrats and writing wistful poetry  because there were no wars to fight. The only foreigners allowed in Japan were a handful of Chinese and Dutch traders, who were confined to an island in Nagasaki Bay. In 1853, however, this peace was shattered when a squadron of American steam-powered warships under Commodore Matthew Perry showed up in Edo Bay (now Tokyo Bay) and demanded the right to refuel in Japan. Just like China, Japan had to allow foreigners in, sign unequal treaties with them, and allow them extraterritorial rights on Japanese soil. Also like China, this development sparked anti-foreign and nationalist feelings in the Japanese people and caused the government to fall. However, unlike China, the leaders of Japan took this opportunity to thoroughly reform their country. They quickly turned it from an imperial victim to an aggressive imperial power in its own right. With Chinas recent Opium War humiliation as a warning, the Japanese started with a complete overhaul of their government and social system. Paradoxically, this modernization drive centered around the Meiji Emperor, from an imperial family that had ruled the country for 2,500 years. For centuries, however, the emperors had been figureheads, while the shoguns wielded actual power. In 1868, the Tokugawa Shogunate was abolished and the emperor took the reins of government in the Meiji Restoration. Japans new constitution also did away with the feudal social classes, made all of the samurai and daimyo into commoners, established a modern conscript military, required basic elementary education for all boys and girls, and encouraged the development of heavy industry. The new government convinced the people of Japan to accept these sudden and radical changes by appealing to their sense of nationalism; Japan refused to bow to the Europeans, they would prove that Japan was a great, modern power, and Japan would rise to be the Big Brother of all of the colonized and down-trodden peoples of Asia. In the space of a single generation, Japan became a major industrial power with a well-disciplined modern army and navy. This new Japan shocked the world in 1895 when it defeated China in the First Sino-Japanese War. That was nothing, however, compared to the complete panic that erupted in Europe when Japan beat Russia (a European power!) in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05. Naturally, these amazing David-and-Goliath victories fueled further nationalism, leading some of the people of Japan to believe that they were inherently superior to other nations. While nationalism helped to fuel Japans incredibly quick development into a major industrialized nation and an imperial power  and helped it fend off the western powers, it certainly had a dark side as well. For some Japanese intellectuals and military leaders, nationalism developed into fascism, similar to what was happening in the newly-unified European powers of Germany and Italy. This hateful and genocidal ultra-nationalism led Japan down the road to military overreach, war crimes, and eventual defeat in World War II.